September 19


September 19

Journey through the past

{read it while you’re listening to this 🙂 for ambient}

My birthday was a few weeks ago and I only just found time to reflect on how the ride between Sep 17 and 19 had been. I don’t recall much of Sep 18, tbh, given how disconnected I was from working myself to the bones. But much of the past 2 years was dealing with the ups and downs of emotion, frailty and taking action to move forward. Life was not kind. But I chose to make something good out of those adversities in the end. Don’t get me wrong. I certainly whined and wailed over my emotions quite a bit but I tried not to dwell. I had my great bunch of close circle of friends to thank for. A few of the positive things that came out of the bad situations are: I joined the gym; discovered love for boxing; started making vids again; learning to be more conscious as an earth-roamer; write more; draw more and create more.

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